Parameters for Alternative Vote-2003

This page includes the parameters used to run the model as well as links to the actual data. The input files may be interesting to those who want to really understand a simulation or to even produce a variant.

Simulation Parameters

Parameter set name: av
Title: Alternative Vote-2003
DB Model Name: fptp
Output directory: 2003/fptp-AV
Single-Member Riding election type: AV-2021
Multi-Member Riding election type: NA

Input Files

Input files can be found on GitHub:

  • candidates.json: Candidates from an actual election.
  • ridings.json: Information about each real riding (riding id, name, population, area).
  • fptp.json: The riding structure used for this simulation -- mapping FPTP ridings to new ridings, grouping the new ridings into regions, setting district magnitude and the number of top-up seats, etc.